1. Search Expenses
  2. Download Expenses
  3. FAQ

Export download expenses

New Expensify

Expensify allows you to export expense data to a downloaded CSV file, which you can then import into your favorite spreadsheet tool for deeper analysis.

Search Expenses

The first step to exporting and downloading expenses is finding the data you need.

  1. Click/tap the Search icon in the bottom left menu to go to the Search page
  2. Select the Expenses tab on the top left
  3. Select your Filters on the top right to filter by credit card used, coding, date range, keyword, expense value and a number of other useful criteria
  4. Hit View Results to see all expenses that match your filters

Download Expenses

  1. Select the checkbox to the left of the expenses or select all with the very top checkbox.
  2. Click # selected at the top-right and select Download.
  3. This will save a CSV file to your default download folder with the file naming prefix “Expensify.”
  4. You can now open in your favorite spreadsheet tool

Select the expenses to download

This file provides the following data for each expense:

  • Date
  • Merchant
  • Description
  • From
  • To
  • Category + GL code
  • Tag + GL code
  • Tax + Tax code
  • Amount
  • Currency
  • Type (i.e. cash, card, distance)
  • Receipt URL

Can I export in a different format, like PDF or XLS?

No, currently Expensify supports CSV export only.

Can I add columns to the CSV download to capture additional data points?

No, the CSV template cannot be customized.

Can I select expenses or reports in bulk?

Yes, you can select expenses or reports in bulk by selecting the Select multiple or Select all option. To display these options on the mobile app, simply long press an item.

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